- Develop genetic and biotechnological tools to study local seaweed diversity as well as associated micro-organisms
- Explore high value products in seaweed and diversify exploitation of these biomolecules according to a bio-refinery process
- Promote seaweed aquaculture and associated biotechnologies
- Evaluate potential environment, society and economic impacts liable to affect the development of seaweed industry (harvesting and aquaculture)
- Support technological transfer by establishing a collaborative platform leading to tight cooperation between the stakeholders, industries and scientists.
To conclude, the overall actions undertaken throughout the IDEALG project will focus on diversifying and expanding the exploitation of local seaweed as well as promoting access to the biomass (harvesting and aquaculture). These actions will imply a consistent study of consequences related to seaweed exploitation on the environment, economy and society, in order to finger out potential issues and hence guarantee sustainable guidelines for the future.